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Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities 2ed

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Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities 2ed
Product Details

This second edition from the team at GHA. A step-by-step guide to helping adults with disabilities get a small business off to a strong start—now updated with a new and improved assessment approach, the latest on policy and online opportunities, and more. Updated with a new and improved assessment approach, more self-employment success stories, and the latest on policy changes and online opportunities, this book is your step-by-step guide to helping adults with disabilities get a small business off to a strong start. You’ll discover the nuts and bolts of person-centered business planning, and you'll get concrete, step-by-step strategies for every aspect, from business plans to marketing to finances.

Edited by Cary Griffin, David Hammis, Beth Keeton, Molly Sullivan.

Brookes Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-59857-403-6