
Awesome Publications, Presentations and Other Interesting Stuff CDERP

Publications, Presentations, Newsletters and Stuff we know you’ll like from us and people we like.
Peer Reviewed

Developing open employment outcomes for people with an intellectual disability utilising a Social Enterprise Framework.

Smith, McVilly, McGillvray & Chan (2018) Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 48, 59-77

The Influence of the National Disability Insurance Scheme on Customised Employment Practice in Australia.

Peter Smith. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences July 2023.

The Impact of Legislation and Conventions on Disability Employment Outcomes in Australia.

Peter Smith. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, July 2023

Measuring the impact of employment on persons with a disability as a means of improving the quality of employment outcomes.

Smith, P., & Parmenter, T.R. Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences 2023
Retreat 2018 June Alexander Workshop The Successful Employment Consultant

Defining customized employment as an evidence-based practice: The results of a focus group study

Inge, Graham, Brooks-Lane, Wehman & Griffin. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 48, 155-166

A Systems Analysis of Factors that Lead to the Successful Employment of People with a Disability

PhD Thesis Dr Peter Smith University of Sydney Library

Employer views of customized employment: A focus group analysis.

Tim Riesen and Robert L. Morgan. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 49, 33-44

Organizational transformation to integrated employment and community life engagement.

Sulewskia et al. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 46, 313-320

Transitioning Australian Disability Entreprises to Open Employment.

Smith, Rhodes, Pavlidis, Alexander and McVilly (2019). Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 90. 263-271

Effecting a system change in the delivery of employment services for people with disabilities: a view from Australia.

Trevor Parmenter. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 13 (1999) 117-129
Reports, Retreat, Submissions and Grey Literature

A Roadmap to Competitive Integrated Employment: Strategies for Provider Transformation.

Kamau & Timmons. Institute for Community Inclusion. UMASS Boston.

Ensuring a Straing Future for Supported Employment.

Australian Disability Entreprise Inquiry. Discussion Paper Response.

Discovery Chart Series.

Discovery. Stage Two – The Client and Their Career. Discovery. Stage Two – Understanding the Client and Their Career.

System Redesign Activity Outcome Report.

2018 Annual “The Best Head for the Hills” Customised Employment Retreat. Centre for Disability Employment Research and Practice.

Service Provider Transformation.

Work First Transformation Program. Centre for Disability Employment Research and Practice.
Practice Notes March 2020

Customised Employment: building workforce capacity for and establishing an evidence-based means of achieving the social and economic participation of people with disability.

Final Report to the Innovative Workforce Fund.  Smith, P., McVilly, K., Rhodes, P., Pavlidis, L., (2018).

Customised Employment.

Work First Customised Employment Outline. An overview of Customised Employment – its origins, evidence, process and discovery to employment. Centre for Disability Employment Research and Practice.

The Essential Elements of Customised Employment for Universal Application.

WINTAC, 2017.

Customised Employment and Social Capital.

Social Capital – Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project. Virginia Commonwealth University – Maryland.  Brooks-Lane et al. (2019)

Working in the Community—Update 3.

The Status and Outcomes of People with IDD in Integrated Employment. Dorothy Hiersteiner & John Butterworth (Institute for Community Inclusion, UMass Boston).

Disability Matters.

Disability Employment Australia  Conference Presentation. Perth 2019. Dr Peter Smith

A Systems Analysis of Factors that Lead to the Successful Employment of People with a Disability.

IASSIDD World Congress 2016. PhD Preliminary Findings. Dr Peter Smith.

Disability Employment.

Disability Matters Presentation. University of Otago 2017

Success Factors in Disability Employment - Preliminary Outcomes.

ASID PhD Presentation. Dr Peter Smith.

The NDIS and Disability Employment.

ASID Presentation 2023. Dr Peter Smith.

Provider Transformation.

Possability Conference. H0bart 2018. Centre for Disability Employment Research and Practice.

Disability and Employment.

University of Melbourne Lecture. April 2019. Dr. Peter Smith.

Pathways to Employment Presentation.

University of Melbourne. 2017.

Future Directions for Disability Employment Presentation.

Disability Employment Network. Knox, 2018. Dr Peter Smith

Professionalism in Employment Practice.

New Zealand Disability Support Network 2019. Presentation – May 2019.

” Our particular approach to Discovery is DPG and that evolved out of what we saw didn’t work with various models of Person Centred Planning…mostly what I saw was this thing we now call Voc Themes…once I had that and could articulate it a bit the process fell into place…we’d been using info interviews and tweaking those from tours to real conversations for a while and saw how engaged many employers were…. and so on with refinements that continue…”

Cary Griffin (2017)